Application Process
Please read all information carefully before accessing the application portal at the bottom of the page. Contact us at with any inquiries or concerns.
Early Bird I Registration Deadline: March 7th, 2025
Early Bird II Registration Deadline: April 1st, 2025
Regular Registration Deadline: May 1st, 2025
Delegate Names and Liability Waivers Deadline: May 15th, 2025
Late Registration Deadline: May 22nd, 2025
In order to be eligible to apply for HMUN Australia 2025, applicants must be 13 years of age or older and enrolled in, or recently graduated from, a high school (secondary school or senior secondary school) during the period of May 29th to June 1st, 2025. University students are not eligible to apply for HMUN Australia 2025.
We understand that some high schools may culminate before the dates of the conference. You are eligible to apply to HMUN Australia 2025 as long as you will not be matriculated in a university during the period of May 29th to June 1st, 2025.
By submitting an application, you indicate that you have read — and are agreeing to — the Terms and Conditions of HMUN Australia 2025.
Application Decisions
HMUN applications are highly competitive; therefore, we greatly encourage delegations to apply early to increase their chances of acceptance. Decisions will be released on a rolling basis. Please be patient as we evaluate your application materials.
Please note that due to the competitive nature of HMUN Australia applications, acceptance to the conference is not guaranteed.
Applications through MUNBase will only be considered after payment has been received via the Typeform.
HMUN will only begin assigning countries after we have processed your application, accepted your delegation, and received full payment from you. As such, delegates/delegations should apply and pay as soon as possible, to ensure that they have ample time to upload delegate names and liability waivers to MUNBase before the May 15, 2025 deadline.
Individual Delegates
Individuals not applying as a delegation through their school may also apply to HMUN Australia through MUNBase after completing the Typeform and submitting payment.
All delegations, regardless of size, are required to have a faculty advisor present.
Conference Fees
Payment should be submitted prior to completing an application on MUNBase via the Typeform. You will not receive any country assignments, and will not be able to proceed with other steps such as submitting liability waivers, until we have received full payment from you.
Below are the Conference fees, which apply to all delegations wishing to attend and compete at HMUN Australia 2025. Please note that Faculty Advisor fees are applied for each advisor (in other words, please multiply the number of advisors your school wishes to bring by the fee indicated below):
Faculty Advisor Fee: AUD$300 per Faculty Advisor
If you are applying as an individual, or if your delegation (school/group) includes 1-3 delegates:
Individual Delegate Fee (Early Bird I): AUD$340 per delegate
Individual Delegate Fee (Early Bird II): AUD$390 per delegate
Individual Delegate Fee (Regular): AUD$490 per delegate
Individual Delegate Fee (Late): AUD$550 per delegate
If you are applying as a delegation (school/group) that includes 4 or more delegates:
Group Delegate Fee (Early Bird I): AUD$290 per delegate
Group Delegate Fee (Early Bird II): AUD$340 per delegate
Group Delegate Fee (Regular): AUD$440 per delegate
Group Delegate Fee (Late): AUD$500 per delegate
The deadlines for each registration cycle (Early Bird I, Early Bird II, Regular, Late) are provided at the top of this page.
You will not receive any country assignments, and will not be able to proceed with other steps such as submitting liability waivers, until we have received full payment from you.
An additional fee of AUD$50 per person will apply to delegate names and liability waivers submitted after the deadline (May 15th, 2025).
Please note that no refunds will be provided.
Filling Out Your Delegation Portal
You must fill out the Delegation Portal after you have submitted payment via the Typeform. Please fill out only one response per delegation. The person who registered via the Typeform should fill out the Portal.
You will upload liability waivers (linked in the Portal) for each member of your delegation in the Portal, as well as committee preferences and information on dietary restrictions for our lunch catering.
The deadline to upload liability waivers is May 15, 2025. Please fill out the delegation portal as soon as possible, however, in order for our team to assign committees and countries to your delegation.
Our team will communicate your delegation’s committee and country assignments by email after you complete the Portal.